Monday, October 10, 2011


Communication Goals: Work at the pay of our choice.

As we examine important goals in our lives I think it will become clear that we all want to . . .

1.  Live with the person of our choice.
2.  Live in the community of our choice.
3.  Work at the job of our choice.
4.  Work at the level of our choice.
5.  Work at the pay of our choice.

There are times that you feel at the mercy of the “system.”  There are times when you are at the mercy of the system.  But, a communication pattern that is well planned can be extremely valuable.  For example, if you really like what you do and where you live.  But, feeling pressure from family, bills and general attitudes toward your willingness to work for “peanuts” finally gets to you.  Your task becomes increasing the size of the “peanuts.” 

Like almost all successful communication campaigns, you must plan them.  Almost all of them take time to complete and that indicates that you must think about where you want to be and then how you are going to get there. 

Early on you must establish that you are the right person for the task and that you bring “real” value to your employers.  That can be indicated in a number of ways: 1) productivity, 2) problem solving, 3) willingness to step up at important times, 4) being an effective part of the your organization’s public relations image, etc.  These goals can be set into motion early in your relationship with your organization.  Remember, you can’t get hired if no one knows you exist.  Your value to the organization can’t be known unless you set into motion a plan that bring important information to your supervisor’s attention.

Having built the campaign and followed it over time, you will be in an excellent position to head in the direction of the pay of your choice.

Thursday, October 06, 2011


Communication Goals: Work at the level of our choice.

As we examine important goals in our lives I think it will become clear that we all want to . . .

1.  Live with the person of our choice.
2.  Live in the community of our choice.
3.  Work at the job of our choice.
4.  Work at the level of our choice.
5.  Work at the pay of our choice.

Work at the level of our choice.  It turns out that goal is hard to achieve.  We often hear it said that individuals don’t particularly like their jobs but it pays the bills and provides for great weekends.

Several pressures are brought to bear on us as we attempt to work at the level of our choice.  One of the first pressures is almost universal:  how much money can you make being . . . an artist, doctor, contractor, carpenter, and so on?  This question goes to the heart of employment choices for many of us.  For some, job satisfaction is more important than the pay.  For others, pay is more important than job satisfaction. 

If you decide to become a park ranger, those around you might feel that “you could do so much better” as a doctor.  The pressure can be terrible.  And it comes from all sides: you feel the responsibility to care for a family, potential mates are not certain they want to work at Chaco Cultural National Park or some other assigned place, parents see their success through your life and they may have another career in mind for you. 

As you recall, we are all different.  But, some feel that they are “called” to serve their fellow man doing something that is clearly obscure to everyone around them. As those who have been “called” try to make their career decision, the pressure from loved and trusted people can be overwhelming.  Ultimately, you are the one that is going to have to live with the choice.  You are the one that will be happy, or miserable in that career.

Again, to achieve your goal there needs to be a plan.  You need to decide what you want to do.  Then you need to communicate what your chosen goal is. The thrust of your communication will be to enlist the aid of others in reaching that goal.  But, the communication campaign you create will need to cover a fairly long period of time and be consistently used.

Monday, October 03, 2011


Communication Goals: Work at the pay of our choice.

As we examine important goals in our lives I think it will become clear that we all want to . . .

1.  Live with the person of our choice.
2.  Live in the community of our choice.
3.  Work at the job of our choice.
4.  Work at the level of our choice.
5.  Work at the pay of our choice.

There are times that you feel at the mercy of they “system.”  There are times when you are at the mercy of the system.  But, a communication pattern that is well planned can be extremely valuable.  For example, you really like what you do and where you live.  But, feeling pressure from family, bills and general attitudes toward your willingness to work for “peanuts” finally gets to you.  Increase the size of the peanuts. 

Like almost all successful communication campaigns, you must plan them.  Almost all of them take time to complete and that indicates that you must think about where you want to be and then how you are going to get there. 

Early on you must establish that you are the right person for the task and that you bring “real” value to your employers.  That can be indicated in a number of ways: 1) productivity, 2) problem solving, 3) willingness to step up at important times, 4) clearly an effective part of the your organization’s public relations image, etc.  These goals can be set into motion early in your relationship with your organization.  Remember, you can’t get hired if no one knows you exist.  Your value to the organization can’t be known unless you set into motion a plan that bring important information to your supervisor’s attention.

Having built the campaign and followed it over time, you will be in an excellent position to head in the direction of the pay of your choice.