Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Enrons of the Future?

Enrons of the Future?

Bernard Wasow, Martha Paskoff
The Century Foundation, 6/18/04

An overlooked but important new study has uncovered yet another ingenious sleight-of-hand that top executives have been using to enrich themselves at the expense of their employees. The report by three economists—Daniel Bergstresser and Mihir Desai of the Harvard Business School and Joshua Rauh of MIT— provides evidence that CEOs systematically manipulate their employees' pension funds for their own personal gain.


1 comment:

John Rice said...

If risking your employees retirement is not against the law, it should be. If misrepresenting your corporations actual financial status isn't against the law, it should be. If conservatives really do believe in morality as many religions represent it, then they should make the laws that forbid this kind of behavior. If they're conservatism allows them to have a different standard than open honesty, they shouldn't be allowed to lead.